Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Laugh for the Day.....

A client who loves cats and who knows that I love all three species of critters who live at my house, wondered why I have a lovely, spacious room in the house devoted to the critters, who are never allowed into the business part of the office/home. Well, two reasons:

1) I want to be able to work with clients who are allergic to cat dander, rabbit dander and/or are frightened of furry mammals.
2) there was this time.....

There was this time, many decades ago, when I was doing a consulting business in my home, and I would clear out the living room to a preternatural level of Clean before every client visit. Then one day, a particularly potentially-lucrative client came. I was in my best suit, my presentation was going very professionally, and my cat, who clearly was offended at being ignored, came trotting out of the bedroom with a pair of undies in her mouth. From the stinky To Be Laundered pile, natch. Which she dropped on my potential client's FOOT, double natch.

So, class, what do you think? Did that client sign a lucrative professional consulting deal with our heroine?

The furry mammals have their very own lovely, spacious room in the house, and never, ever are allowed anywhere NEAR a business visitor.

Now you know, grasshopper.....