Monday, August 28, 2017

Why it only took 12 hours to get home from the solar eclipse, when it took thousands of others much, much longer......

We frequently drive ourselves insane at decision time, wondering if we are hearing genuine divine guidance, deep intuition, whatever you want to call it - or just our amygdalas gone wild.

One way to screen out the thoughtless-emotional pulls is to get very deeply involved in breathing.  Slow and deep.  My 5 Breaths Technique (  Part of my strategic self-care for entrepreneurs class is really powerful for this.  And then look at the voices.  The more urgent they are, the less likely that they are coming from wisdom, and thus the less you ought to listen to them. 

Because forest fires complicated the fact that one million visitors were never, ever going to do anything other than hopelessly jam the 2-lane rural highways that constitute most of the great state of Oregon, hubby and I spent 12 harrowing hours creeping along in the blazing hot sun, in scrubby open rangeland where stopping for a call of nature was NOT a good idea, before exhaustion got enough people pulled off the road that we could start moving, and eventually get home.

Thinking about it, though, I can see some points at which hubby and I used the techniques that I teach.  

1.  We couldn't get lodging close to Madras [$500/nite?  My soul rebels.] so we decided to drive through the night the night before the eclipse and then drive home, planning to take catnaps as needed.

Our first "5 Breaths and then combine analysis and intuition" decision point came after 4 hours creeping 18 miles, when we found a modest and cheap motel for a 4 hour nap (my idea) and a hot dinner in place of snacks (hubby's bright idea).  Stopping after 4 exhausting, physically and emotionally, hours kept us from getting overwrought.  We woke feeling 1000% better after sleep and a meal.  The modest cost was worth it.  We came to this with a combination of the calming 5 Breaths and a clear, analytic Amen!

But stopping isn't always the answer.

2.  After another 5 hours of hell, we saw more and more (mostly Californian) cars pulled off the road to sleep by the side of the road.  Parked 6-7 deep at the rest area, it looked like every photo of a natural disaster that you've ever seen.  We really wanted to stop at midnight, but my analytic side agreed with my wisdom that we needed to keep going, because eventually enough people would quit to sleep that we could do more than creep and park, creep and park.

I was right.  Eventually, US 97 was a road again, as the Good Lord intended and I insisted again on pushing on all the way home across the mountains, while those tens of thousands were asleep and the road was clear.  When the sun came up and all those sleepers got back on that poor 2-lane road, hell descended again for another 6 hours.

5 Breaths allows you to get loose of the amygdala's death-grip on your mind, and you can think deeply and well.  And a 12 hour ordeal won't turn into an 18+ hour hell.

Check out the totality photos in the previous post!

Stunning Solar Eclipse Totality Photos

If you were not able to wangle the costs of travel to the path of totality, I hope that you enjoyed the partial eclipse at your location.  And here are some images to fill in the gaps, the true totality experience has to be experienced, but these are to whet your appetite for the future.  Hubby and I were in Madras, Oregon, at the Lowell Observatory pavilion set up in the high school athletic field.  

Enjoy totality, videos of the approach of darkness, even an art piece of the Soaring Dragon in totality....

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Being in Pain = Shorter Life! And it's not for the reason you think.....

A comprehensive medical study in the UK says that we can say that being in chronic pain by itself is enough to boost your chances of dying in the next year by a statistically-significant amount.

"Just" pain, say people who don't know what they're talking about. But, as I explain in my new class
I DO know, as a health coach and transformational healer, and as a former sufferer.

Why the higher % of death? The side effects of constant pain: lack of exercise; going for comfort food rather than veggies and nutrition, sedentary life; stress, worry, anxiety.

So my mini-course becomes even more relevant. If you're in pain, you need to get it to stop, using non-drug methods that work. And you have to be aware of the gentle exercise [see my min-course] and the easy healthy eating [101 Healhy Meals in 5 Minutes or Less] and you need to find ways to distract yourself from the worry-thoughts [101 Stress Busters].