Tuesday, September 29, 2015

It's Coffee Day in the USA

I earned 9 punches on my Dutch Brothers coffee card today. And I can laugh at myself very heartily. Where else but in the Pacific Northwest [Washington and Oregon, Seattle, Portland and Ashland], where I live, would we enshrine coffee so deeply in our hearts that we would have a holiday around it?

We here in the Pacific Northwest have many excellent reason for deifying the coffee bean. After all, it tastes great, especially with pumpkin or eggnog flavoring. It is also a completely legal stimulant, and how many of those do we have, really? Here in Oregon and Washington, when we have a normal year, the dark skies keep us in a state of "winter depression" for at least 7 months. I have a whole book of cures [Journey Out of SAD; see Amazon or your local bookseller], and one of them is - drink coffee. Other things that help are adequate minerals like calcium, Vitamin B-12 and magnesium; a 10,000 lumens specialty light; doing creative things. But coffee is part of it.

The coffee shop also used to have the same function as the local pub, as a gathering place for the exchange of news and ideas. It has truly been said that the American revolution began in coffeehouses.

If you have any tendencies toward winter depression, including fatigue and sluggishness, now is the time to NOT believe in laziness or negative thinking as the cause. SAD is a biochemical problem caused by your DNA, when you are living in an area where there isn't enough sunlight. It's not your fault. Please don't choose anti-depressants for a problem caused by lack of light. In other posts, I talk about the spiritual and health benefits of creative projects like painting, using colored pencils and other forms of art. Music, especially if you create it, is also wonderful. Any activity in which you become really engrossed has a very positive effect on your physical health and your emotions, as well as your spiritual growth. Please make time to be creative.

Come to my free webinar n October 8th, and afterward on my YouTube channel, and learn how - in addition to getting your daily caffeine - you can prevent SAD.


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