Losing weight and staying healthy has never been harder - and you know this. Junk food is everywhere, employers want us to overwork and never exercise, have hobbies or any fun, and we have kids, cats and parents - not to mention cell phones - that need attending to.
But the reason we don't have what we want is only because we aren't going about it in a comprehensive way. We CAN make time for the healthy habits that we need to have a joyful and vibrant life, with peace of mind and clothes that fit the healthy size we want to be. Willpower won't do it, but having a touchstone will. Buying a bike and not riding it won't, but a movement plan that fits your life as it really exists. Sleeping for 8 hours and reclaiming your birthright of clear thinking and energy can be yours. The deep psychic surgery that excises the voices that are keeping you stuck is hard work but you have courage, and you WILL succeed - because you have the best guide in the world, right here, working to make it happen. It will!
I need Beta testers for my new online class. You get everything in the actual class - all the videos, links to inexpensive books of tools, all the support that will MAKE IT HAPPEN!
The "fine print" is that if I let you have a $100 class for FREE, you have to make a commitment to FINISH it - no "I'm too busy" stuff. If you aren't willing to clear your calendar for 2 hours/week to make massive changes in your "problems list" - if you don't really want to let go of the pain and disappointment that you are currently living with, then let me be blunt: don't waste my time. I will be giving 100% to you and I need a commitment back from you. Come back when your level of pain has reached the unbearable point and you are ready to commit. Even though it will be $97 or more by then, if you are willing to commit, then it will work for you. If you aren't ready to let go of what isn't working, then you aren't ready. All is well. You'll know when it's time, because the pain will propel you to the comprehensive solution of never having to diet again.