Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Nelson Mandela, Racism, Rage, Brexit, Donald Trump & Having Genuine Goodness WIN

Today is International Mandela Day.  Hold that thought for a bit.

This week we discover that 65% of people who voted for Britain to leave the European Union either didn’t realize the vote was “serious” or, having come down from their emotional state, want a second vote so they can say Stay.  What’s with all the rage?   I call it being Drunk on Dudgeon.  Just like drunk on alcohol variety, if you are drunk on dudgeon, you are not capable of making decisions in YOUR long-term, real best interest.  You are so overwrought (drunk) on how badly you’ve been treated by [someone, some group of people, some organization or just The World in general], that you are supremely easy to manipulate in ways that shoot you in the head [really harm YOU in a serious way] and give someone else power.  Or that give you a short-term feeling of power at the expense of actually having power.  That last is really important: feeling something isn’t the same as having that something be actual reality.

In the British case, a wide swath of English working-class folks, especially “white” English, believed the nonsense of Boris Johnson and others who just flat out lied with the intention of making a bid for Prime Minister/power themselves [the manipulation] because they were angry about their declining economic prospects and subsequent economic safety and power.  And those dingbats in Brussels were acting imperious and not compromising or respectful.  All the details are irrelevant.  People felt a loss of power and turned to the short-term pumping up that rage gives you in place of cold, strategic, implacable planning.  I know that when you “feel” powerless [it’s in quotes for a reason; voting strategically gives you real power], rage is the easiest neural pathway to take.  I know.  But it is also exactly – exactly – equivalent to destroying your goals and dreams.  Why wait for your Nemesis to do it?  Do it to yourself. 

Aristotle said that you can be angry – but make sure that you are angry at the right time, in the right way, with the right person.  The Brexit voters who were manipulated by (really, really easily-checked) lies were not Done To By The Man.  They did it to themselves, by letting themselves get Drunk on Dudgeon.

In the Star Trek universe, a wonderful quote by an actual human whose name I’ve forgotten has been mis-attributed to the Klingons.  Revenge is a dish best served cold.  That means: don’t get Drunk on Dudgeon!  Think, cold and calm and analytical.  Do ONLY what actually advances your long-term agenda, not your short-term emotions. 

This is a universal human problem.  Every culture on every continent, of every skin color and sex has this same problem because it happens in the human brain.

In the USA right now,  groups of people are squaring off with each other, all Drunk on Dudgeon.  Socially conservative white working class Americans, along with quite a few black working class folks, have settled on racist demagogue Donald Trump as the “alcohol” to get drunk on.  Some Black Lives Matter activists have responded to a string on highly-publicized police killings of black men and women to use hateful rhetoric against all police officers, demonizing all white cops as killer racists.  It is completely predictable that demonizing rhetoric will resonate in a mentally-unhinged black military veteran (or two) who will get Drunk on Dudgeon in their turn and become mass killers of well-intentioned, innocent police officers.  There are legitimate grievances all around, as President Obama has so eloquently reminded us.

He also reminds us, so beautifully, and without using my exact verbiage, that becoming Drunk on Dudgeon instead of being strategic does not serve the long-term best interests of any genuinely harmed parties.  Unstrategic hate and rage only burns the world down.  It has never, in all ten thousand years of human civilization, led to justice.     

In my book, Take Back Your Lost Heart, I analyzed why the Montgomery Bus Boycott was so successful.  Remember: successful.  The keys were going after the strategic issue and targeting the bus company’s revenues; being strategic and keeping tempers cold [remember the Klingons] so that the boycott had a lot of allies among business owners, among progressive and humanistic white civilians and even among some police.  Polarizing the city exclusively along color lines didn’t happen.  A significant percentage of the cars picking up non-bus-riding black folks needing to get to work were white-driven.  Good was battling Evil all right, but the organizers were not stupid enough to make every white person in town their enemy by labeling them as such.  THAT, my friends, is why they won. 

Contrast that with screaming and taking over the podium so that the thousands of people of all colors who came to hear a candidate talk can’t do so…. A super-leftist candidate at that.  Sound strategic to you?

Giving up Drunk on Dudgeon and getting very, very cool always wins.  Always.  Nelson Mandela, whose birthday we celebrate today, had a cold and analytical soul.  He could take his righteous rage and stop it dead, then channel it into cold, analytical thinking.  When things were at their worst, there was little he could do but endure. His last 12 years in prison, though, he played the white power structure like a Stradivarius violin.  He never lumped his jailers (mostly working-class, politically-powerless guys) in the same bag as the rich pukes who ran the country. His narrow-thinking, Drunk on Dudgeon fellow prisoners were appalled, and criticized him as a “collaborator” but he was right and they were stupid.  The jailers (cops), as bad as some of them were, were just products of the same crazy system as the thousands of black men and women killed by the security services or local cops.  And some of them were decent guys stuck in a bad situation.  

So, this Mandela Day, let’s ALL start thinking like Madiba.  Strategic.  Cool.  Calculating.  And when someone of any color, of any sex, on any issue tries to play us like a Strad, manipulating our emotions, let’s stop, take a deep breath and think about the bigger picture, the long-term real goals and really, clearly think it all through, as both President Obama and Mr. Nelson Mandela remind us to.  If Madiba could take down apartheid with cool, analytical, strategic thinking, why on earth are we using stupid confrontational tactics (on all sides) and expecting to win? 

Giving up Drunk on Dudgeon is hard.  It’s hard to give up the easy path.  But we’re not in this to go down the stupid, easy path.  We can represent the finest behavior humanity is capable of – and the smartest.  Like the end of apartheid, like the bus boycott, we good people of this country and this world will win, but only if we are cool, analytical, strategic.  The best way to honor Nelson Mandela today, and every day, is to emulate his smarts, his courage and his violin-playing.  He won.  When the urge to spew self-righteous anger and hate starts getting too much to hold back, remember – HE WON.

We will, too.  I have faith.