Monday, April 24, 2017

Honoring the 11 Million - Planning Our Own Acts of Courage

In my spiritual practice today, I sent healing prayers to the survivors and descendants of the Nazi Holocaust.  Our new understanding of the science of epigenetics has sobering information on how traumas can shift gene expression, allowing the trauma to be transmitted to succeeding generations in the form of lowered immune system activity and other effects.  Reiki healing helps.

We can start, on this Holocaust Remembrance Day, with remembering all 11 million victims.  It always pains me when Jewish writers and speakers talk about 6 million, instead of 11 million.  Others quote that erroneous 6 million figure all the time.  But talking about 6 million Jews and ignoring the equally-tragic 5 million others is the worst kind of racism.  Those people were murdered once, and now the world is erasing their memory – as if their lives didn’t matter and their deaths aren’t tragedies.  Let’s stop it.  11 million.  The Roma people (aka gypsies) were almost exterminated, a percentage that exceeds any other targeted group by a huge margin.

What also helps is staying vigilant about pain and suffering today.  As people become emotionally overwhelmed, their empathy drops.  We have to avoid becoming overwhelmed, without unplugging completely.  So do Reiki, meditate, exercise, take creative arts time-outs, to renew and replenish yourselves for the long fight.

It might also be pertinent to consider what could be coming tomorrow.   Commentators in the USA and elsewhere have noted not only the appalling spectacle of white supremacists in the White House, but a worldwide rise in dictatorship-under-guise-of-democracy from Erdogan in Turkey and Putin in Russia, to possible (unimaginable) election of a fascist thug in France. 

In the 1930’s, people who noticed the rise of fascist dictators who made the trains run on time and got people back to work weren’t called “negative” of course, but that’s the response to “Uh, people, there’s a pattern here…” today.  Doing the “don’t worry, just mind your own life” dance, as far too many million Americans are doing, worries me.  This problem isn’t going to go away by prayer, or raising the vibrational energy of the room.  Our grandparents didn’t pay attention until it was too late.  I hope that we, with their example to learn from, will wake up and take action sooner.

Our species has much more DNA devoted to cooperation than competition.  Cooperation in early social groups – food sharing, with everyone who had a bad collecting day – is what propelled our lineage into planetary dominance.  Empathy is an advanced trait of primates and the most intelligent mammals, like elephants and cetaceans.  

On Nazi Holocaust Remembrance Day, let’s celebrate the good people of 70 years ago, many of whom died, all of whom risked their lives, to save or try to save the targeted people from death.  We are good people, most of us.  We can call on the better angels of our nature to stay on the path of courage as our own time of testing is upon us.  Who in your city or community needs saving?  Take action.